To the LIBBA membership,
We need everyone and anyone who enjoys fishing the Suffolk County Beach at Smith Point to be aware of what is occurring with this beach. I’ve see recent posts on web sites but until I read the January 2nd 2014 Fisherman Magazine I didn’t really understand the threat. If you haven’t done so already, please take the time to read the article that is attached and as the author suggests please contact the people at the bottom. I would also suggest that this be shared with anybody you know who enjoys fishing this beach and encourage them to also call.
The following was written by Fred Golofaro and appeared in the January 2nd 2014 addition of the Fisherman Magazine:
The restoration of Burma Road destroyed during Superstorm Sandy in 2012, by Suffolk County Parks is being seriously threatened by U.S. Fish and Wildlife and National Park service policy. Smith Point Park, while county owned and managed, falls within the boundaries of Fire Island National Seashore. It has been a longstanding policy, though often challenged, that the seashore remain and be maintained in its natural state. That includes no unnatural restorations of dunes or replacement of structures with Seashore boundaries. Much of the dune line along Smith Point, as well as Burma Road was washed away by Sandy, and now a federal plan to restore the dunes along the South Shore, and the county’s efforts to rebuild Burma Road, are being challenged by these federal agencies.
Plans were in place to restore the roadway which provides access from the outer beach access point, to Moriches Inlet, especially during plover season and when the outer beach is impassable. Now, Fish and Wildlife not only opposes restoring Burma Road but wants the beach to remain flat so that – are you ready – piping plovers can have easy access from the oceanfront to the bay. Not only do they not want the dune line rebuilt, they want the existing dunes flattened. This is obviously one government agency that has lost its way, along with every ounce of common sense. Their concern for piping plovers supersedes the safety and well being of thousands of people, as in human beings, living along the bay shoreline opposite Smith Point Park. A severe noreaster or hurricane will easily be able to wash over a flattened barrier beach and flood the mainland.
Following Sandy we supported the fed’s decision to oppose the closure of the breach at Old Inlet, feeling strongly that it posed no threat to the mainland and would improve water quality in the bay, despite the loss of miles of beach vehicle access beyond the breach. Both turned out to be true.
Smith Point is an entirely different story. This is a county park intended to provide people to recreate – to fish, swim, surf, camp, hunt and have access to all of the park’s resources. If Fish and Wildlife has its way, all of these activities will be threatened by the next major coastal storm or hurricane.
A meeting was held back on December 18 involving Fish and Wildlife, National Park Service, Suffolk County, Army Corp of Engineers and DEC, along with local and federal legislators to resolve this issue. Army Corp wants to move ahead with the dune replenishment project and Suffolk County wants the parks dunes and Burma Road restored. They need your help to get it done. Please take a few minutes and call the following people. Tell them you support their efforts to have Burma Road and the dunes restored, and thank them for their help. Do it today.
Congressman Tim Bishop: 631-289-6500
U.S. Senator Charles Shumer: 631-753-0978
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: 631-249-2825
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone: 631-853-4000
Suffolk County Parks – Nick Gibbons: 631-854-0971