Ken Karwick Memorial Fishing Contest
The Annual contest begins April 15th, of each year and ends December 15th. Official LIBBA Contest Weigh slips MUST be postmarked to the LIBBA Fishing Contest Chair by December 31st.
1. To enter a fish you MUST be current, dues paid LIBBA member at the time that you catch the fish.
2. Entries in the Junior division shall be from a child, a grandchild, or dependent, of a current dues paid LIBBA member as follows;
a. Young Adult - who is age 16 or 18 at the time of catching the fish,
b. Children’s – who is age 15 or under at the time of catching the fish.
3. Entered fish MUST witnessed by another angler, or a tackle shop employee.
Non LIBBA members will be contacted to verify your catch. Fish that cannot be verified will be excluded from the contest.
4. All entries must be on a LIBBA WEIGHT SLIP and filled out completely. Your name and LIBBA # and the name, phone number and email of the person witnessing the fish must be clearly legible. A tackle shop weigh-in or a NY Surf Fishing Contest participants club certified scale must be used. On tackle shop weigh-ins, your weight slip must be stamped or signed by the proprietor.
b. Use the QR code on the LIBBA website,
c. Submit your weight slips as a photo, or scanned, and emailed it to
LIBBAFishingContests@gmail.com, or text to 516.859.5266
5. To encourage catch and release, released fish may be entered. Remember the weigh-in must be witnessed by another angler. You must provide a phone number and email address for you witness. Non LIBBA members will be contacted to verify your catch. Fish that cannot be verified will be excluded from the contest.
6. A fish entered must be ½ pound or heavier to replace an existing prize contender. An entry not greater than ½ pound heavier shall be deemed a tie.
7. In the event of a tie, the entry submitted first will be designated the higher place finish.
8. This is a SURF FISHING CONTEST No boat, bridge, or body trolling (skishing) caught fish allowed. You MUST cast (unless you are physically incapable), fight and land the fish yourself while standing on good old terra-firma (yes, rocks are OK).
9. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes in the Men's, Women's and Junior (Youth
& Children’s) Divisions for striped bass, bluefish and weakfish. One prize, per participant, per species is allowed in this contest.
10. Minimum weights are as follows;
a. Weakfish 5 lbs.
b. Bluefish 5 lbs.
c. Striped bass 32 inches or 10 lbs. (All fish 35 inches or more must be beach weighed
and released)
d. To encourage Children’s division entries, a 28” striped bass minimum will be
11. Each participant is allowed one prize, per species in this contest.
12. All fish entered into the LIBBA Montauk Derby or South Shore Derby will automatically be entered into the Ken Karwick Memorial Surf Fishing contest.
13. The LIBBA Fishing Contest Chairman reserves the right to be solely responsible for judging.
14. In case of disputed entries, the LIBBA Board of Directors reserves the right to disqualify entries.
15. LIBBA is not responsible for entries not received or lost in the mail.
16. There will be NO exceptions to these rules.
Winning anglers will be awarded their prizes at the LIBBA Annual Meeting.
Best of luck to all for a great fishing season!
If you have questions, please contact me at AlScardino@ymail.com.
Al Scardino
Fishing Contest Chairman