Long Island Beach Buggy Association
                           "Keepers of the Beach"

*Since 1958*    * Conservation * Ecology * Beach Access * 

LIBBA 2017 Yearly Fishing Contest

  • April 15, 2017
  • 12:00 AM
  • December 31, 2017
  • 11:30 PM
  • LI Surf Cast Waters

LIBBA Reminds Members to Enter Their

Fish in the Annual Contests

All current LIBBA members are reminded that they are eligible to

enter fish they have caught into the several contests they run each year.

These include:

the annual Ken Karwick Memorial Contest. This contest runs

throughout the fishing season, ending on December 15



the Montauk Derby and the South Shore Derby that run

concurrent with the Long Island Fisherman/NY State Parks

Montauk Classic and South Shore Classic. The Montauk Derby

will be September 22-24 and the South Shore Derby is October


the Town of Babylon Autumn Surf Fishing Cup tournament

which LIBBA is a co-sponsor of, held October 27-29.

Registration information for this event is available from the

Town of Babylon (631) 957-4482. LIBBA members can also

enter a member’s beach pool for the largest striped bass or

bluefish. Check in at the tournament weigh station that

weekend to enter.

There are also special categories for exceptional fish (Striped

bass over 50#, Bluefish over 20# and Weakfish over 15#), as

well as the largest released striped bass, all earning prizes.

All members who enter fish that do not win in the contest have

their slips entered into the “Hidden Weight” contest, for one

name to be pulled at the annual meeting to win a prize. Prizes

include gift cards from several Long Island tackle shops.

All contest rules and information, and down loadable weight

slips can be found at the LIBBA website,

https://libba.wildapricot.org/. Click on the Fishing Contest


Not a member of LIBBA? Membership information can be

found athttps://libba.wildapricot.org/

© L.I.B.B.A.